Rifle Barrel
(Quick Inspection)
Here's a neat trick that will surprise you. Don't laugh . . . . until you try it. When I first heard
about this idea of using a Q-Tip, it sounded like no big deal. However, after I tried it, I was surprised to see how well it worked.
Just insert a Q-Tip into your barrel
(like the picture on the right), and it will reflect enough light so that you can get a real good look at the last half inch of rifling and the crown of your
barrel. In most cases you'll find that this works much better than a flashlight.
Since then, I've used this method about a jillion times. Q-Tips are handy to keep in your cleaning supplies anyway.
Even though the majority of fowling in just ahead of thr chamber, this is a good way to judge approximately how well you are cleaning your
barrel when you're at the range. It's also a good way to examine your barrel when you're in the field.