Reloading Problems . . . . need help?

      I am almost always available to help any shooter by phone or email, (and you don't need to be one of my customers to get this technical support.)   My goal is to support the shooting sports by getting shooters more interested in reloading, so they can spend more time shooting.   Hopefully, that will get them motivated enough to preserve our sport.   I believe that only the most motivated shooters will ever get involved to protect our right to keep and bear arms.   You'll find my contact information on the bottom of every page of this website.   It's too bad that so many Americans have been "conditioned" by watching anti-gun propaganda on TV.   This has made too many of Americans willing to sit by and surrender our gun rights.   We all need to be more active preserving this important freedom.

      Most of us have encountered unusual problems while reloading.   Have you ever wondered "What the heck caused this?"  (or)   Have you ever wondered why your handloads don't deliver better accuracy than factory loads?   While reloading (for the last 40 years), I've encountered some of the most unusual problems that you can imagine.

      The first step in reloading is to be SURE that your reloading information is 100% accurate.   The Internet is a great source of information.   However, there is no substitute for using published reloading manuals.   In fact, I recommend owning more than one reloading manual for reference material.   Some manuals are much better than others at explaining the basics.   Other manuals include articles about the latest reloading tools and reloading techniques.   Sometimes the information about handloads will conflict with other manuals.   For those shooters that read these manuals carefully, you can usually understand why these variations occur.   Reloading manuals usually list the barrel length on their test guns.   They also use components made by a variety of different manufacturers.

      Internet forums allow you to ask questions to other shooters who "may" have more reloading experience in some particular area.   You definitely can learn a lot from other shooters, but be sure to accept information (as fact) only from someone that actually knows what they're talking about.   There's no doubt that reloading forums are a great source of information, but be careful.   Most shooters are willing to help any way they can.   However, it's easy to find well-intentioned shooters that pass on their mistakes, and sometimes language itself obscures what people are really talking about.   This can be like watching a manure spreader in a windstorm.   Some reloading problems are almost impossible to fully describe on an Internet forum, because one small piece of critical information might not get "completely" explained.   Always verify new loading information with a published manual whenever possible.

I'll bet that you've never seen anything like this ....

What the heck happened here?

      This unusual .223 Remington case (above) was made by a shooting buddy while setting up a Dillon RL550 reloading press.   This amusing mishap occurred after converting the press to load a different caliber.   He swapped out the "quick change" head, then he installed the powder measure without raising the powder measure height.   One quick phone call to Dillon, and he would have received the very best tech support available.   However, these situations usually happen "after hours" and who can you reach then?

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